6. Video showing two young men rededicating their lives back to Christ. This is an interesting witness showing the need to lead people past their initial response. Also, you will see how easy it is to build a bridge to another person standing nearby. The most dramatic part of this witness was the presence of the Holy Spirit felt by us and those we were ministering to.
We went to a depressed part of Waco, Texas to a convenience store. Often times we see God establish His presence in a public place and His presence is often manifested as conviction of sin and love for all people. After we prayed and began to approach people, we could see how powerfully He was dealing with people’s lives and He was giving us favor to speak to them.
During this witness I felt the assurance in my heart that the Holy Spirit would complete a work in these men's hearts. I simply followed what I felt and the result was two changed lives. These young me did not purchase what they had intended in the store. We praise the Lord for this night and the opportunity to share Christ.
Evangelist Ricky Hobbs